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Brooklyn Letters (Online Speech Language Therapy, Literacy & Math Tutoring) IconBrooklyn Letters (Online Speech Language Therapy, Literacy & Math Tutoring)

1139 Prospect Avenue, Brooklyn

4.9 33 reviews

  • Avatar Jacob B ★★★★★ 6 months ago
    We were delighted with Christie. First, and most importantly, our son made great strides under her guidance. So great, that we felt he no longer needed help! She was incredibly patient and kind with him and our son really responded to her. Christie was also great with me and my wife. She provided thorough and informative updates on our son's progress and which exercises she was using with him, so we could reinforce what she was teaching him. All in all, we had a fabulous experience with Christie and would highly recommend her.
  • Avatar Kristin Ames ★★★★★ 8 months ago
    Our experience with Theo was terrific. Theo was great with my son. He developed a positive relationship with him based on sincerity, respect, trust and a deep personal connection. In their lessons, Theo was encouraging, creative and kind. He helped our son understand how to differentiate the sounds he made when he spoke, and gave him great exercises to practice every week between lessons. Our son was sorry to have the lessons come to an end, but recognized that Theo had helped him as much as possible and it was time for him to stop. Theo explained to him (and us) how to keep working to get the last 5%, and encouraged him to keep working on the exercises on his own. I have recommended Theo to another parent who noticed my son's improvement and inquired for her own son.
    We are all grateful to have gotten to know Theo, and we greatly appreciate all the work he did to help our son.
  • Avatar Andrea Peartree ★★★★★ 2 months ago
    Theo is a wonderful Clinton Hill speech therapist. We were really pleased with him. Our son showed drastic improvement, not only in his speech but in his confidence.
  • Avatar mario costa ★★★★★ 8 months ago
    Alexa has been an enthusiastic, reliable, well prepared and caring teacher for our 6 year old daughter. She has been able to improve and increase our daughter's confidence lesson by lesson with patience and competence; through varied and productive didactic practice. Alexa has engaged our daughter in several activities that always kept her motivated and eager to learn literacy. My wife and I, both of us are educators, feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to observe Alexa's pedagogical skills. Alexa has had a big impact on our daughter literacy growth. Thank you Brooklyn Letters!
  • Avatar Lily Alt ★★★★★ 8 months ago
    We were absolutely DELIGHTED with Marsha's services. She was wonderful. We found her to be kind, fun, engaging, very knowledgeable. She provided us with clear instructions and additional written handouts each week. She engaged our son with different techniques and toys, and showed us how to use her techniques when we were interacting with him. I actually just texted her on Saturday - Our son finally said "more" - one of the target words we had been working on with her. It was a total joy to hear, and I had to share it with her - she wrote back immediately to congratulate us. I am so appreciative of her expertise, and wish we could have seen her for longer. I recommended her to another family in our neighborhood who is looking for a speech therapist.

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Top Speech Pathologist in New York City


NYC Articulation Therapy for All Ages

In the bustling heart of New York City, where words flow as swiftly as the Hudson River, clear and effective communication is not just a skill but a necessity. In this vibrant urban landscape, where millions converge daily, the ability to precisely convey thoughts, ideas, and emotions is paramount. Join us as we delve into the world of articulation therapy.

In the city that never sleeps, where communication is king, let’s embark on a journey toward mastering speech, exploring how NYC’s articulation therapy services profoundly impact the lives of its diverse inhabitants, from children to adults. Do you or your child have difficulty saying particular sounds? Our speech therapists can help. We travel throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx.

Articulation Therapy: What To Expect?

Articulation therapy is structured to improve speech sound errors and overall communication skills. It begins with an initial assessment by a licensed speech-language pathologist (SLP) who identifies specific sound challenges. A personalized treatment plan is then crafted, outlining objectives and strategies. Regular one-on-one sessions with the SLP involve targeted speech sound exercises, feedback, and correction to enhance articulation and clarity. This collaborative journey aims to boost communication confidence and effectiveness through gradual progress.

In essence, articulation therapy involves initial assessment, a personalized treatment plan, and regular sessions with an SLP for speech sound exercises, feedback, and correction. The goal is to improve articulation and clarity, enhancing communication skills and confidence.

How Do You Know If You Or Your Child Need Articulation Therapy? 

Recognizing the need for articulation therapy for yourself or your child involves identifying certain speech sound patterns and considering their impact on communication. 

Here are some indicators that may suggest the need for articulation therapy:

For Children:

  1. Speech Sound Errors: Frequent and consistent mispronunciations of specific sounds or sound patterns. For example, you are substituting one sound for another, omitting or distorting sounds in words.
  2. Difficulty Being Understood: If a child’s speech is consistently unclear to others, including parents, teachers, and peers, it may be a sign that articulation therapy is needed.
  3. Age-Inappropriate Errors: Speech sound errors that persist beyond the typical age at which most children have mastered those sounds. It’s normal for younger children to make some speech sound errors, but if they persist as the child ages, it can indicate a need for intervention.
  4. Frustration or Avoidance: If a child becomes frustrated or avoids speaking situations because they know their speech sound difficulties, this can be a red flag.
  5. Difficulty with Literacy: Speech sound challenges can also impact a child’s ability to learn to read and write. If there are signs of literacy struggles, it may be related to speech sound challenges.
NYC Articulation Therapy for All Ages

For Adults:

  1. Persistent Speech Sound Errors: Similar to children, if adults consistently mispronounce specific sounds or sound patterns that affect their ability to be understood, they may benefit from articulation therapy.
  2. Accent Modification Reduction Goals: Adults who wish to modify their accents for personal or professional reasons may seek articulation therapy to refine their pronunciation and achieve clearer communication.
  3. Speech Disorder Diagnosis: Adults diagnosed with speech disorders like apraxia, dysarthria, or phonological disorders may require ongoing articulation therapy as part of their treatment plan.
  4. Communication Confidence: Adults who feel self-conscious or anxious about their speech and its impact on their social or professional interactions may find value in articulation therapy to build confidence.

In both cases, a licensed speech-language pathologist (SLP) can thoroughly assess whether articulation therapy is warranted. Suppose you notice any of these signs or have concerns about speech sound difficulties. In that case, it’s advisable to consult with an SLP, especially for children, as early intervention can effectively address articulation issues and promote clear and effective communication.

The goals of accent reduction therapy, also known as accent modification therapy, are multifaceted and tailored to the specific needs and objectives of each individual undergoing the treatment. These goals are designed to enhance an individual’s pronunciation and clarity in their target language while respecting their unique linguistic background and cultural identity.

Here are some common goals of accent reduction therapy:

  1. Enhanced Intelligibility: The primary objective is to improve the individual’s speech clarity and pronunciation, making it easier for others to understand them in various communication settings.
  2. Improved Pronunciation:Accent reduction therapy aims to correct specific pronunciation errors or accent-related mispronunciations, particularly focusing on problematic vowel and consonant sounds.
  3. Fluency and Naturalness: The therapy seeks to help individuals achieve fluency and a more native-like rhythm, intonation, and stress patterns, allowing their speech to sound natural and effortless.
  4. Reduced Self-Consciousness: Many seek accent reduction therapy to alleviate self-consciousness about their accent, boosting their confidence in communicating effectively.
  5. Effective Communication: The overarching goal is to facilitate effective communication, enabling individuals to express themselves clearly and be easily understood, especially in professional, academic, and social contexts.

These key goals of accent reduction therapy aim to empower individuals with the skills and confidence to communicate effectively in their non-native language or diverse linguistic environments while respecting their unique cultural backgrounds.

NYC Articulation Therapy for All Ages

How Long Will the Therapy Last?

The duration of articulation therapy varies significantly from person to person and is influenced by various factors. One crucial factor is the severity of the articulation disorder; individuals with milder issues may progress more quickly than those with more pronounced difficulties. Age is another consideration, as children often respond faster to therapy due to their developing speech and language skills, whereas adults may take longer to overcome established speech habits. Consistency and practice also play a pivotal role; individuals who engage actively in therapy exercises and practice at home tend to see faster progress. 

Moreover, the specific goals outlined in the treatment plan, the individual’s motivation, and their cooperation in therapy can impact the duration. Overall, articulation therapy can range from several months to over a year, with the treatment’s length tailored to meet the individual’s unique needs and goals. 

Early intervention, particularly for children, is encouraged to address articulation issues promptly, ensuring clear and effective communication in the long term.

How Can Our NYC Articulation Therapy Help Children and Adults?

Our speech therapists support individuals of all ages facing diverse communication challenges. Our expertise begins with thorough assessments to diagnose speech disorderslanguage delaysvoice problems, and fluency issues. With these assessments as a foundation, our SLPs create individualized treatment plans, finely tuned to address each person’s unique needs and objectives. This may include articulation therapy to improve speech sound production, language therapy to enhance vocabulary and language skills, voice therapy to address vocal quality concerns, and fluency therapy for those who stutter. 

Additionally, our SLPs provide guidance and support to individuals seeking accent modification or augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems. Through therapy sessions, exercises, and ongoing monitoring, our SLPs empower individuals to enhance their communication skills, boost confidence, and achieve clearer and more effective expression in personal and professional contexts.

Contact us now for a FREE 15-minute phone consultation. We travel throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx and offer remote services

Chat with Us Today! Our NYC Speech Language Pathologists are ready to help you right now!

Call: (347) 394-3485, Text: (917) 426-8880

Email: [email protected]
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Craig Selinger

Author Craig Selinger

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