Transition Planning: Students with a speech-language disability, learning disability, and/or autism spectrum disorder may have difficulty making a planned and successful transition from high school to college to career. Challenges may be related to difficulties with language, literacy, social skills, problem solving, and critical thinking. Students may need explicit instruction in the following areas:
1) Explicitly teach the differences between high school and college expectations, including test taking, how material is delivered, communication with teachers and professors, and study time.
2) Teach literacy-related skills (vocabulary, comprehending and expressing main idea of read material, explaining learned material in a concise manner, organizing ideas for presentations or written work).
3) Teach and practice social rules and expectations for working collaboratively with peers.
4) Teach and practice advocacy skills needed in post- secondary educational setting.
5) Teach strategies to increase metacognitive awareness (e.g. At what level do I understand this material ).
6) Support students through the process of developing a personal statement that includes a description of strengths, challenges, a description of their disability, and accommodations needed for success.